Title song: Jesus Loves Me Forever
Written By: Samuel Volcy (Blaze)
Recorded At: Excellent Sounds
Artist Name: Blaze
Jesus you love me forever
Forever and ever amen yeah
You've been through it all
You pick me up when I fall
You're lover, you are my best friend (2x)
You saved me from my sins
You set the captives free
By your blood im justified
Because your love, im made alive
Without you I am nothing
Your presence overwhelming yeah
You are the pillar of everything
You are the kings of kings
You are the lamb of glory
Your name is powerful
Your cross redeemed the world
I exalt your name on high
You are the word that gives life
Your grace made me alive
Your spirit is my delight
Jesus you love me forever
Forever and ever amen yeah
You've been through it all
You pick me up when I fall
You're my lover, you are my best friend (2×)
Jesus Jesus oh my Jesus
Jesus oh my Jesus my best friend (6x)
Bible verse: John 3:16 For god so loved so love that he gave his only begotten son, so that whoever who believes in him will never die but have eternal life.
All glory and all honor belong to the king and lord Jesus Christ amen.
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